Kayaker on the Smith River
How to use map: The map above has been provided to identify beaches in Del Norte County that is part of the Adopt-A-Beach Program. Use the navigation keys at the top left to zoom in and out of the map. The blue dots identify the different beaches. Additional information is provided by clicking on the individual blue dots on the map. 
Join the Adopt-A-Beach Program today!

The Smith River Alliance is partnering with the California Coastal Commission on managing the Del Norte County Adopt-A-Beach Program.  This program brings together community members, groups and organizations who are interested in establishing a special stewardship relationship with a favorite beach location in Del Norte County.

What is the Adopt-A-Beach Program?
Adopt-A-Beach is a statewide volunteer program that invites volunteers like yourself to host cleanups at your favorite beach on schedule of your choosing.

When an individual or a group “adopts” a beach, they commit to cleaning it at least three times per year. School groups commit to a single cleanup to be recognized as a beach steward.

Participants are recognized by the Whale Tail Program of the California Coastal Commission for their efforts, as well as by the Smith River Alliance. If you already pick up trash on your beach walks, why not sign up?

Why Adopt-A-Beach?
This program provides the opportunity for individuals and groups to get the resources they need to host their own cleanups. The Smith River Alliance provides on-the-beach safety training, cleanup supplies, as well as provides recognition online for groups that adopt a beach.

Volunteers during California Coastal Cleanup Day on September 17, 2022.

Adopt-A-Beach History
Tens of thousands of volunteers help clean our coast every year through the California Coastal Commission’s Adopt-A-Beach Program and the largest volunteer event in North America, California Coastal Cleanup Day. Through these efforts, hundreds of thousands of tons have been removed from our ocean and waterways. Be a part of this State-wide effort in helping keep out ocean and waterways clean, protecting our local wildlife and environment.

Whale Tails Grant Program
This program is funded through the California Coastal Commission’s Whale Tail® Grants Program, which is supported by the sales of the California Whale Tail license plates.

Learn More
Sign-up today and help keep our coastline and waterways clean! To learn more, read the tabs below or email Grant at Grant@smithriveralliance.org

How can I Participate?

Interested in Adopting-A-Beach and hosting a cleanup?

It’s as easy as:

  1. Contact Grant Werschkull at Grant@smithriveralliance.org with the beach you would like to adopt and day of the event. (Groups need to commit to 3 cleanups within one calendar year, school groups only need to commit to one.)
  2. Fill out the Adopt-A-Beach Group Participation Agreement and Indemnification Form.
  3. Have every participant fill out the Adopt-A-Beach Waiver of Liability and Express Assumption of Risk Form prior to the clean up date.
    (You can find the Spanish Adopt-A-Beach Waiver of Liability and Express Assumption of Risk Form here)
  4. Clean up the beach!
  5. Document and record the cleanup by using the cleanup data cards or through the Cleanswell App.
What beaches can I clean?

You can clean up any beach in Del Norte County!

We recommend that you consider the following options:

  • South Beach
  • Battery Point Beach
  • Garth’s Beach
  • Pebble Beach
  • Point St. George Beach
  • Kellogg Beach

If you have other beaches that you want to clean, please let us know!

Why Beach Cleanups are Important

Pollution in our oceans affects thousands of marine animals and wildlife every year, causing entanglement, ingestion and change in habitats. 

The main way that trash and debris enters our oceans are by our beaches, rives and streams. Beach cleanups are vital in capturing this trash and debris before it is swept into the ocean by the wind or tides. 

Some of the most common and harmful items found aren’t tires or large items, but are small items that many of us use everyday. Cigarette butts, single-use plastics, bottle caps, fireworks, discarded rubber gloves and medical masks are some of the most found items left behind. Much of this trash can be picked up while on a short walk on the beach with as little as a shopping bag and some gloves. 

There is growing research about plastic debris too small to be caught by existing filters being discharged by water treatment systems. This debris may take the form of microbeads (added to some personal care products as exfolients) rinsed down drains, or synthetic fibers from clothing or other items that are laundered. A recent study of the San Francisco Bay found that eight waste water treatment plants discharged an average of 490,000 particles of microplastic per day into the Bay.

Find more information here.

  • Who can participate?
    • Anyone interested in wanting to help keep our beaches clean!
  • Is there a large commitment?
    • The only commitment we ask is that you promise to hold at least 3 cleanups with your group for the entire commitment.
    • School groups only need to host at least one cleanup.
  • How much trash do I need to pick up?
    • You can pick up as much or as little as you want.
  • Is there a set time I need to be out cleaning our beaches?
    • You set the time, date and place of your choice. If you want to host a 30 minute or 3 hour cleanup, that is up to you.