Fish Monitoring Overview
The Smith River Alliance values the role of science and monitoring in efforts to restore and protect the Smith River. Recent studies have included a long-term population assessment and monitoring program for coho salmon in the Smith watershed, a study of juvenile coho salmon use of beaver and non-beaver altered habitats in the Smith River coastal plain and estuary, an estuary monitoring and Inventory of Juvenile Salmonid Rearing Habitat in the Smith River Plain, and one of the longest running smolt trapping programs in California (1994-2017), located at the Mill Creek Lifecycle Monitoring Station which provides an overall summary of annual Coho Salmon smolt estimates throughout the program’s history.
The Smith River Alliance holds an annual summer fish count to track the abundance of California’s healthiest population of coastal cutthroat trout! We record observations of the rare summer steelhead and spring Chinook salmon, as well as suckers, rainbow trout, lamprey, and herps. Snorkeling within the canyon walls and clear blue waters of the Smith River, volunteers will experience wild fish in their native habitat.
Coho Distribution
Since 2011 we have surveyed the distribution of adult and juvenile salmonid species.
2023 Fish Count
Each year, SRA hosts, trains, and leads volunteers on a survey to monitor summer adult salmonid populations in the Smith River.
Beaver Study
Study about the impact of Smith River beavers on fish populations.
Lifecycle Monitoring Station
A station operates in Mill Creek to provide estimates of freshwater and ocean survival of salmonids.
Smith River Surveys
In partnership with the U.S. Forest Service, SRA conducts fish habitat surveys.
Estuary Monitoring
SRA has surveyed the habitat quality for rearing juvenile salmonids across the Smith River Plain and estuary.