Document Library
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Restoration Planning Reports
Smith River Alliance and Stillwater Sciences. 2021. Elk Creek Restoration Feasibility Study. Final Report. Prepared by Smith River Alliance and Stillwater Sciences for California State Coastal Conservancy and California Department of Fish and Wildlife. See Report Appendices. Part 1 of 2: Elk Creek Air Photos and Imagery (Appendix A and B); Part 2 of 2: Elk Appendices C through H.
Elk Creek Watershed Restoration Feasibility Study – Project Introduction
Smith River Plain Stream Restoration Plan, Del Norte County, California – September 2018
Fisheries Monitoring Reports
Smith River basin based on summer snorkel surveys: Reports describe density of adult salmonids; see 2018 for a summary and comparison of 29 years of data 1982 – 2018. Download Volunteer Summer Fish Survey Results:
2022 |2021 |2020 |2019 | 2018 |2017 | 2016 |2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005
Mill Creek Salmonid Lifecycle Monitoring Station Juvenile Coho Salmon Outmigrant Trapping Project 2014-2017, Smith River, California
December 2017
2011-2016 Salmonid Redd Abundance and Juvenile Salmonid Spatial Structure in the Smith River Basin, California and Oregon
Migration, Growth, and Survival of Juvenile Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in Coast Redwood Forested Watersheds
September 2017
Winter Distributions, Movements, and Habitat use by Juvenile Salmonids throughout the Lower Smith River Basin and Estuary, Del Norte County, California
November 2016
Reconnaissance of Salmonid Redd Abundance and Juvenile Salmonid Spatial Structure in the Smith River with Emphasis on Coho Salmon
Based on two years (2011-2013) of field surveys across the Smith basin. Made possible by The California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Fisheries Restoration Grant program, and the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries – April 12, 2014
Smith River National Recreation Area Level II Stream Surveys
Available upon request
Baldface Creek Wild and Scenic River Study
North Fork Smith Watershed, Level II Stream Surveys, Rogue River Siskiyou National Forest
Baldface Creek and tributaries Taylor Creek Horse Creek Upper North Fork Smith
Mill Creek Fisheries Monitoring Program 2009 Final Report
January 13, 2010
North Fork of the Smith Watershed Analysis
Smith River Anadromous Fish Action Plan
March 2002 Smith River Advisory Council document
Mill Creek Road Removal
Airport/Visser Road Restoration Project Briefing Packet
A draft proposal to decommission roads and stream crossings in the Mill Creek watershed
SRNRA Documents
Smith River National Recreation Area Act
Six Rivers National Forest Inventoried Roadless Area
August 2017
In Focus: Hurdygurdy Creek Land Deal
June 6, 2009 Daily Triplicate article
The Pacific Salmon Stronghold Conservation Act of 2009
Legislation backgrounder March, 2010 update
Baldface Creek Eligibility Study 1994
Wild and Scenic River Eligibility Study
Conservation Strategy for Epilobium oreganum, Gentiana setigera, Hastingsia bracteosa var. bracteosa, H. bracteosa var. atropurpurea, and Viola primulifolia ssp. occidentalis in Serpentine Darlingtonia Wetlands of Southwest Oregon and Northwest California
The Smith River: A Salmon Stronghold
Smith River Dual Frequency Identification Sonar (DIDSON) Pilot Study