Lifecycle Monitoring Station
This report primarily summarizes the Mill Creek Lifecycle Monitoring Station (Smith River basin, California) smolt outmigrant trapping program results from 2014-2017. Additionally, given this is one of the longest running smolt trapping programs in California (1994-2017), we provide an overall summary of annual Coho Salmon smolt estimates throughout the program’s history.
2016 Mill Creek LCM Station Juvenile Outmigrant Trapping Annual Report
This annual progress report describes out-migrant trapping data collected by Mill Creek Lifecycle Monitoring Station partners estimates the abundance of salmonid smolts emigrating from Mill Creek, Smith River (California) during the spring of 2016. The report also estimates the apparent overwinter survival probability of Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) marked in the Fall of 2015 in Mill Creek and its three primary sub basins.
We would like to thank the California Department of Fish and Wildlife for its continued commitment to and support of all aspects of the Coastal Salmonid Monitoring Program in the Smith River basin including the Mill Creek Life Cycle Monitoring Station. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife was instrumental in the development and implementation of the out-migrant trapping portion of the Mill Creek Life Cycle Monitoring program through contributions from Sportfish Restoration Act funds. Among the many contributions to the Mill Creek Life Cycle Monitoring Station by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife include the rotary screw trap. We also wish to acknowledge the critical support provided by the Save the Redwoods Leaguefor their generous contribution toward Fall tagging efforts necessary to better understand Coho Salmon Salmon survival and distribution in the Mill Creek Lifecycle Monitoring Station.
A hearty shout out goes to all of the exceptional field biologists who collected rigorous field data: Sunny Bourdon, Vimal Golding, Tara Dettmar, Jesse Nolan, John Deibner-Hanson and their leader Jolyon Walkley.