The Smith River Alliance NewsletterHurdygurdy Creek Protection Complete!
This is a true milestone in the protection of the Smith River watershed — 10 years in the making! SRA transferred the final 852 acres into the Smith River NRA (SRNRA) in late July.
The project included approximately 5,500 acres of the Hurdygurdy Creek, Little Jones Creek and Siskiyou Fork watersheds owned by the Agnew family since the 1950’s. Success required a coordinated team effort and enormous dedication and help from many of you. The now protected land contains over 9.5 miles of perennial streams and riparian corridors and many more miles of intermittent streams.
Hurdygurdy Creek is recognized as one of the most productive salmon streams within the SRNRA. With the completion of the Hurdygurdy Creek purchase and transfer into the SRNRA, SRA has protected the last remaining large private inholding within the 460+ square mile SRNRA and we have guaranteed public access in perpetuity for hunting, fishing, hiking, nature watching, and other recreational activities. Special thanks to the Agnew family for working with us, the Forest Service staff —- and to the donors who supported our work.
North Fork Smith Mining Update
It’s difficult to go against the 1872 Mining Law, but we have an extraordinary cross-border coalition, excellent leadership from OR and CA Congressional representatives, and our community is standing strong in opposition to upstream strip mining in the headwaters of the Smith River.
We have the support and participation of Del Norte County Board of Supervisors, Crescent City Council, every local water agency in the county, the Crescent City-Del Norte Chamber of Commerce (representing 370+ businesses), CA Department of Fish and Wildlife, N. Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, a Joint-Resolution to Protect the Smith River passed by the CA Senate and Assembly, and of course the partnership and help from dozens of non-government organizations.
To learn more about why the risk is too great (think drinking water and healthy salmon runs) to allow strip mining in the headwaters of the Smith — please see Cal Trout’s video, Eternally Wild, about the Smith River and the strip mine threat.
Smith Estuary Restoration Project is Launched
Rock Creek Ranch New Faces!
Annual Smith River Clean-Up
This has become a signature project for SRA over the last decade and it has been very exciting to see strong volunteer support and new partners joining with us to clean-up illegal dumping on our public and riverside lands.
2016 was a banner year for our clean-up effort. 5180 pounds of trash, three vehicles, and a travel trailer were recovered and recycled!
Special thanks to our sponsors/partners including the Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority, Del Norte Resource Advisory Committee, Home Depot, Kokatat, Rumiano Cheese, Tidewater Contractors, Curry Transfer + Recycling, HSU’s Waste Reduction & Resource Awareness Program, the Trash Dogs, and the U.S. Forest Service.
Smith River NRA Collaborative Launched
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Communities Stand Strong Against Strip Mining
Read some of the press and letters submitted in support of the proposed mineral withdrawal.
Learn more.
Experience the Smith
Clear waters, old-growth forests, salmon and bears... get to know the world famous Smith River and see where we work. Learn more.